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Getting ready to Sell the House in Windham and head out next Spring ?

We’ve helped many long time Windham residents make the transition. We’ve helped them lay the ground work for a successful sale of their current homes, so they could head off to a new location, offering a totally different lifestyle. In 2015, our Windham home-seller clients have downsized, chosen to enjoy the excitement of city life in NYC, headed south to North Carolina, South Carolina and Florida, as well as west to California. Some have moved to be near friends and family, others are just looking for a change, and still others are looking to move on to more affordable options now that their kids are grown and out of the house.

     It is never to early to prepare for the Spring market. We can help you establish a realistic market price and discuss improvements that you can make now to prepare your home for sale. Then when Spring arrives the process of placing you home on the market will be seamless and stress-free.



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