On June 30, 2016, Coldwell Banker Dinsmore Associates, officially opened in one of the most highly visible locations in Windham. We see this as a symbol of our commitment to provide the highest visibility possible for the listings of our home-seller clients. The Coldwell Banker system with its global reach in marketing, will provide maximum exposure for their homes. We know that it’s only by being seen, that homes are sold.
The Coldwell Banker brand is located in 47 countries with over 3,000 offices and generated over 225 billion dollars in U.S. sales volume in 2015. No other brand ranks higher.
Coldwellbanker.com generated over 600,000 leads in 2015 and has the highest conversion rate in the industry.
And the Coldwell Banker brand is the leader in technology, with initiatives such as CBx, which actually creates a marketing plan, by predicting the most likely location from which the buyers of your home will come from.
Dinsmore Associates has been a recognized real estate leader in Windham for nearly 40 years. Our experience and expertise has guided thousands of sellers and buyers in making the best decisions possible during the process of selling or buying a home.
We had the opportunity to align ourselves with many of the national real estate brands. Only the Coldwell Banker brand met our standards for strength and integrity. Since the beginning and for over 100 years, they have placed the needs of their clients first and foremost.
We believe home-ownership is the bedrock of the middle class experience in America. The Coldwell Banker brand is committed to preserving this opportunity as one of its core values. We look forward to sharing with you, the exciting benefits for home-sellers from our affiliation with the Coldwell Banker system.
Finally, we want to thank you, our loyal customers. You are the reason we are committed to being the best name in real estate